If you want to book the apartments in the historical centre of Saint-Petersburg for the most advantageous price, please do so at the hotel’s website! With flexible pricing and seasonal promos, direct booking with the hotel allows you to choose a room at it's best price and condition.
In “Comfort” apartment complex, every single guest can choose the accommodation type that suits them the most. Apart hotel consists of 27 studios of 3 different categories. Each room is equipped with all facilities for both: rest and working; the extended room area makes it easy to accommodate a big family. The location convenience and highly qualified personnel make “Comfort” apartment complex one of the best places to stay at in Saint-Petersburg.
The prices for rooms at “Comfort” apart hotel depend on the season, number of guests and duration of stay. The price is also influenced by the rate you choose during a reservation. Book a room right now with the best conditions!
Adel (Oman)
Shea Family
Kapil Bamba (India)